Monday, October 4, 2010

Defensive Tactics- Reviews by Donny Anderson and Rebecca Talley

Today we are going to make 2 stops on the blog tour. The first comes from Donny Anderson who posted his review on Saturday the 2nd. Here are a couple of my favorite quotes.

"Defensive tactics is a book my wife and I both found easy to read, fast paced, and enjoyable."

He also wrote..."I like Westover’s depiction of honest relationships devoid of the immature games people commonly play that hinder trust."

The second stop is with Rebecca Talley.

"I enjoyed reading this book...I think he created some great characters."

I also like..."Westover did a good job of creating an interesting and suspenseful story."

She also noted..."Westover did a great job characterizing the bad guys, too. The judge is slimy, slimy, slimy--I'd like to slap him."

I have to admit, that bad guys were definitely begging for a beat down.

Rebecca mentioned that she's not a fan of the omnicient point of view. I think many people feel this way and POV was a real struggle for me writing this book. As my first novel, I had NO experience writing point of view and very little understanding about it, so went with the only thing that made sense to me. I suspect with time and study, I will get better at this, and avoid shifting POV.

I appreciate both Donny and Rebecca reviewing my book. Thanks.

To see their full reviews, and to learn more about their writing, visit their blogs

1 comment:

  1. The book was very entertaining. At the end of each chapter I had to keep going to find out what would happen next.
